Welcome to the adventures of Kitty Anne McGibbles!
I hope you enjoy the psychological manipulation of Spammers as much as I do. They certainly deserve it, and I am rather offended by their notion that all Americans are rich, dumb and inherently trusting of someone who wants to give them money. It is my harmless way of retaliation to would-be thieves.
The humor lies in the ridiculousness of my replies, and to see how far I can take it before they give up. Some of them, due to the language barrier, don't quite understand that the joke is actually on them. The smarter ones get it and quickly move on to more vulnerable prey.
The name Kitty was a random codename I assigned myself a few years ago in response to a Spammer's request for discretion--I suggested that I should be Ms. Kitty and he should call himself Mr. Cookies. The great part was, he actually did it. I thought, if I could lead this malicious idiot into calling himself "Mr. Cookies", surely there was more fun to be had with others.
These emails are real, exchanged by myself and a Spammer, and without any editing. Enjoy!
-- Jess
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