Thursday, October 1, 2009

Waziri Strikes Again

Like a bad dream, Mrs. Hajia Farida Waziri has found me again.

[9.17.09] From: Mrs.Hajia Farida Waziri (
Subject:Attention; Beneficiary,

Attention; Beneficiary,

I am Hajia Farida Waziri Chairman Efcc Investigation Office Nigeria, there
is presently a counter claims on your funds by one MR.David walker, who is
presently trying to make us believe that you are dead and even explained
that you entered into an agreement with him, to help you in receiving your
fund, So here comes the big question.

Did you sign any Deed of Assignment in favor of (David walker). thereby
making him the current beneficiary with his following account details: MR
David walker, AC/NUMBER: 6503809428. ROUTING/122006743, B/NAME:CITI
BANK,ADDRESS:NEW YORK,USA, we shall proceed to issue all payments details
to the said Mr. David walker, if we do not hear from you within the next
two working days from today


Mrs.Hajia Farida Waziri
Chairman Efcc Investigation Office Nigeria


[10.1.09]Mrs. Waziri,

So we meet again! As before, I am flabbergasted at the efforts of Mr. Walker to get his hands on my money. When you first contacted me I had just returned from his funeral. How disturbed I was to receive this letter for you and to find that the wicked Walker is still greedy in his afterlife.

We must report him to the police immediately.

Ms. Kitty